Monday, September 5, 2011

Amanda & Alexandre

It was an honour to be a guest at Amanda & Alexandre’s August 6th wedding. An evening of fun and adventure was planned to entertain the guests during the reception. The theme of their wedding was travel. Alex has a passion for travel and has travelled all over the world. Instead of the traditional table numbers, guests were seated using names of places that Alex had travelled to. We were seated at table Tokyo. A world map completed the seating chart. Guests could check the map if they were curious about all the countries and cities that Alex had be to.

I was impressed at how much thought and creativity went into the planning of the entertainment for the evening. Amanda had no idea where she was going on her honeymoon. Alex had been planning the details for over a year and wanted it to be a surprise. He also used the surprise destination as way of providing his guests with a challenge. If guests wanted the newlyweds to kiss they clanged their glasses. The bride would then pick a table that she wanted to hear a clue from. The MC provided a member of that table a clue from a list. The clue was read and thus began the challenge. Guests tried to guess the honeymoon location by putting all the clues together.Whoever guessed right won a GPS! Everyone at table Tokyo had so much fun trying to figure out the mystery. What a great idea!

In keeping with the theme, an old-fashioned brown suitcase complete with stickers from all over the world was placed on the gift table with a slot on top for cards. Silver-plated airplane luggage tags were left at each place setting as favours. They also served as name cards with our names inside. The wedding cake was a beautiful two tier white luggage set. At the centre of our table were two purple calla lilies inside a tall cylinder, lighted from inside.

At the conclusion of our dinner service, papers were collected and Amanda was asked to the middle of the dance floor. Alex brought out a brief case as the theme to mission impossible played in the background. Amanda opened the case. Instead of an envelope with the answer…a DVD was inside!

A screen and DVD player was set up in the corner of the room. Alex put the DVD in and
The mystery unfolded in a surprising twist! The virtual plane took off from Ottawa and landed in Honolulu Hawaii. Everyone cheered! Then…. Alex surprised his bride further by telling her that it was only for 4 days to relax then the plane took off again only to land in Beijing and around the world the plane continued for a once in a lifetime trip that they had both dreamt of and discussed when they had first started dating.

There was a winner of course but it wasn’t us. I had thought of Hawaii but the other clues misled us because they were for the remaining locations throughout the trip. Table Tokyo had a wonderful adventure while enjoying the food service of the Delta Hotel. Amanda & Alex danced the night away.

Peace, Love and happiness always!

Till Next time

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